Keep your smile feeling and functioning at its absolute best with restorative dentistry. From simple procedures like dental fillings, to more complex solutions like dental prosthetics and root canal therapy, restorative dentistry aims to revitalize decayed or damaged teeth. With our comprehensive restorative care, you can take back your overall oral health so you can eat, laugh, and smile with confidence.
Dental fillings are a common treatment used to restore teeth that have been damaged by decay or cavities. If you're experiencing tooth pain or sensitivity, dental fillings can help alleviate discomfort and restore the strength and function of your teeth. At Flawless Dental Studio, we offer high-quality dental fillings to our patients, providing them with a long-lasting solution to their dental problems.
Sometimes, tooth decay is too extensive to be treated with a dental filling, but not extensive enough to require a crown. In cases like this, dental inlays or onlays can be an effective solution. Dental inlays are used to restore the grooves between the cusps of a tooth, while onlays cover the entire chewing surface of the tooth. Both dental inlays and onlays can be made from a variety of materials, including tooth-colored composite to improve the look and function of your smile.
Dental crowns can help revive your smile if you are struggling with cracked or broken teeth. These tooth-shaped caps serve as a protective layer for the natural root of your tooth while enhancing your bite's functionality. If you have undergone a root canal or dental implant procedure, a crown can also improve the health of your tooth. With the option to choose from a range of materials, crowns are suitable for both restorative and cosmetic purposes, allowing you to smile with ease and confidence.
There's no need to keep covering up your mouth if a missing tooth is leaving a gap in your smile. With a dental bridge, the space left behind by one, or several, missing teeth can be permanently covered. The bridge is attached to your teeth on either side of the gap, so it won't slide around when you eat or speak. Your bridge also won't stand out from the rest of your smile —it can be color-matched to blend with your other teeth. Keep your teeth from shifting and reduce the risk of bone loss and problems with your bite by asking your dentist about a bridge. Schedule a consultation today to see if a dental bridge can help you complete your smile!
Root canals are a common dental procedure designed to save your natural teeth and prevent the need for dental implants or bridges. The treatment involves removing the infected or inflamed pulp from the inside of the tooth, carefully cleaning and disinfecting the area, and then filling and sealing it. Root canals are often necessary when decay reaches the tooth pulp, the tooth is damaged, or there's severe gum disease.
Extractions are always our last option — saving your smile is our number one priority. However, a problematic tooth is sometimes more trouble than it's worth. Your doctor may recommend an extraction as the best way to get your oral health back on the right path. With gentle techniques, and local anesthesia or sedation, decaying teeth can be removed to alleviate your discomfort or to make room for dental implants, a bridge, or another type of tooth replacement.
If you're in need of an extraction, or already missing a tooth, there are several options you have for replacing that tooth. Dental implants can restore not just the look of your smile, but the functionality of your bite and your overall oral health. The most secure and long-lasting tooth replacement, dental implants can also slow or even stop the progression of bone loss by replicating the form and function of your natural tooth roots. Schedule a consultation today to find out if dental implants can help you regain your smile!
Dentures are a removable, affordable solution that can complete your smile after missing one or all of your natural teeth. To ensure a natural look and feel, most dentures are made of a combination of acrylic and metal and are custom-crafted for a comfortable fit. Looking to see if dentures are right for you? Schedule a consultation to find out if a set of full or partial dentures can restore your bite. It's about time you got back to living your life with a smile.
Wisdom teeth removal may be the most common oral surgical procedure, but it can be a complicated one. That's why it's important to go to an expert. Our doctor specializes in complex issues of the teeth and mouth so you can rest assured knowing your teeth are in expert hands.
When a root canal treatment doesn't work, there’s a solution in sight: endodontic retreatment. This procedure can fix the root canal and save the tooth, allowing you to regain full control of your oral health. With endodontic retreatment, you can start smiling again with confidence.
Most root canals have a 90 percent chance of success. But a lingering infection on the apex, or root tip of your tooth, can cause your root canal to fail. Once this area becomes inflamed, a root canal may not be enough to alleviate the problem, and an apicoectomy may be recommended.
An apicoectomy completely removes the remaining tissue causing the infection on the apex. Your dentist will then prepare the tooth and apply a small filling to complete the procedure, allowing you to smile, laugh, and chew with ease.
Check out these frequently asked questions, or call us to speak with our team.